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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week Two

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels
Week One

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far. Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks. The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st. Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks. Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge. So, let's get started....

So how was Week One?  Even if you didn't journal every day, forgive and move forward into this second week with a resolve to take each day as it comes and make each moment the best you can!  What did you notice from journaling your foods last week?  Not talking calories yet...what meals do you let slide and miss and why?  What emotional food patterns did you fall into and/or what choices did you make that you continually wish you hadn't?  How many fruits do you consume on average each day?  How many veggies do you consume on average each day?  Do you eat only a fruit for a snack the majority of the time?  What is your main beverage each day?  How much water do you consume daily?  How often do you eat?  How many breakfasts did you eat or skip?  What did you notice from journaling your movements last week?  On average how long do you sit each day and for how long at each long period of time?  How much movement do you really do on an average day?  How much exercise did you do?  Do you stretch daily for 15 minutes or more?  What did you learn from your reflections?  Did you discover what past hang ups keep tripping you up?  Can you take just the learned experience from them and let go of the baggage moving forward? 

Week Two Focus:  Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to build upon the awareness from last week.  Again, we are building the foundational pieces for us to develop, so this week will also be a no frills week....but very important for what is to come! 

  1. We need to add movement to your day/week. 
    1. If last week you discovered that you move very little in a typical day and sit for long stretches of time, then this week I want you to get up every hour (no exception here) and move for 1-5 minutes....either walk around, walk in place, if you are more fit then you could do some burpees or mountain climbers...then end by reaching up to the ceiling and stretching side to side and taking a deep breath in/out before returning to your desk/chair (this applies to television time too folks....move while you watch).  Keep track of how well you do with this each day in your journal as we will continue tracking our daily movements this week. 
    2. If last week you discovered that being NEAT (If Nothing Else Be NEAT) daily is not your issue, then continue on being NEAT, but try to see if you are really getting in those 10,000 daily steps (equivalent of 5 miles) by adding a walk to your day or simply adding to your daily movements throughout the day (a cheap pedometer can really open your eyes to just how many steps you are truly getting daily). 
    3. If both of the aforementioned is already accomplished in your daily movement, then CONGRATS, but how is your weekly exercise going?  {First, if you are tackling the first scenario of adding NEAT to your day, don't overwhelm yourself with this step just yet....really focus on being NEAT, and then we will address your weekly exercise...next week will be your week to shine!}  Pick which level of exercise from Free Workouts All Levels and try to do one to three times this week. 
    4. Additionally, for all of you participating in this Challenge, add 15 minutes or more of stretching to your daily routine somewhere in your day, whether it be at the beginning, middle, or end....need some help..... Basic Stretch Routine
  2. Just as last week, journal all of your meals/foods this week.  You still will not focus on calorie counting this week .... that will come soon enough .... but just as last week, we are going for awareness and the discipline of tracking everything you consume.  In addition to the journaling, this week you will also:
    1. Add to your fruits/veggies intake.  Each day you should strive to eat a minimum of 8 to 10 servings a day of produce (about 3-4 servings of fruit & 4-6 servings of veggies).  To learn what makes up a serving size be sure to visit: Produce Serving Sizes.  You know from last week how well you are naturally doing on this, so this week try to add to your daily intake to reach the daily servings of each.  One note here, be sure to combine a protein with your produce...so don't just eat a fruit for a snack add some peanut butter, nuts, cheese, or yogurt with it instead ;-)
    2. Eat breakfast every single day this week, no exception.  It is so important to not skip this extremely vital meal as it determines your metabolic rate for the day.  If you need some meal ideas, be sure to visit:  Healthy & Yummy Recipes
    3. Eat every 3- 4 hours each and every day....that means no meal skipping....this keeps that metabolic fire burning...and let's face it, keeps us balanced and feeling good all day long.  No exceptions here either, recipes were provided above....on-the-go foods are so easy to throw together in 15 min or less for your entire day so no excuses!
    4. Reduce the sodas, increase the water intake!  7 Side Effects Of Soda & Hydration: The American College of Sports Medicine and the United States Track and Field Association have developed guidelines for optimal hydration during exercise, outlined below. Note that it can be as dangerous being overhydrated as dehydrated.  Are You Dehydrated?

      *2 hours prior to exercise, drink 17-20 ounces
      *Every 10-20 minutes during exercise, drink 7-10 ounces or preferably, drink based on sweat loss
      *Following exercise, drink 16-24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost

If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

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