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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week One

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far.  Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks.  The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st.  Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks.  Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge.  So, let's get started....

This week may be the first week you are attempting to do anything fitness and or nutrition related or it may be a "start over" or "going to really do it this time" deal.  Whatever it is, forgive the past and let's just move forward into a lifestyle change that is fresh, doable, and forever!

Week One Focus:  Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to incorporate movement and awareness.  Nothing big or extravagant this first week.  I want you to simply focus on where you are in your daily life.  Seems silly but awareness is one of the biggest obstacles we all face in this busy world and one of the most important.  So below is what I want you to do this week:
  1. Get a notebook (spiral, pretty, convenient, whatever works for you) and date it each day and write in it each day.  The only things I want you to write in it this week are:
    1. What movement you do each day (e.g., none or walked the dog, or played with the kids at the park for 30 min, marched in place while watching television, worked out and what that entailed, whatever and however much or little each day).  This is simply to be aware of how much or how little you are currently moving.  No judgment.  This is not to make you feel bad or like you need to impress anyone with how much you can add this week.  Again, this is about awareness.  A stepping stone to build upon going forward in your new lifestyle.  Note how you feel about any of it.....
    2. What you eat each day.  This is not about calorie counting.  No judgment.  Please be honest and write it all down.  It makes a difference.  It's not about telling anyone else.  It is about being honest with yourself and your feelings and your body.  By forcing your conscious mind to be involved in what you are putting into your body makes a huge difference in moving forward.  This is not about beating yourself up on any of it...that won't help you....Awareness first, change to come!  Note how you feel about any of it...skipping a meal or eating too much or had a bad day and drank the bottle of wine I swore I wouldn't, whatever it is...it's important to notate.
  2. At least two days this week, reflect on your past experiences and make at least two journal entries about that.  Whether it be the good, the bad, the ugly, the failures, the successes, the learned not to repeats, because after this week we are definitely letting all of that go.....so write what you need to so as to release it and move on.....Your future is bright ahead!  The past is the past, it's important to learn from but not to harbor....Your present is now!
If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

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