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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

40 Day Family Challenge

I throw this out there for those of you interested in family bonding and development (or coworker bonding or friendship bonding)....Regardless of whether your are participating in any form of the Current Fitness Challenge(s), this 40 day challenge can be a great addition or a start in the right direction of maybe participating in the future.  I began a 40 day family challenge with my husband and two kiddos this week and it has been an awesome help to what have been "issues" for us as a cohesive unit.  Whatever do I mean?  Well in any relationship (family, friendship, work) there are friction issues that if left alone can cause huge blow up fires (just as is the case even just within our own little heads).  What we as a family decided to do is address these issues head on in a 40 day improvement challenge.  What does this have to do with fitness and/or health and/or weight loss?  EVERYTHING.  Anything causing stress in your life, impacts your health, fitness, and weight loss!

My 4 year old daughter and I drew up a 40 day chart (my little girlie girl provided the art work and I provided the details) of what we had individually agreed to earlier as our challenge commitments to our family and ourselves.  Each family member has two "habits" to work on daily for 40 days.  One habit is a bad habit they are trying to break free of and the other is a good habit they want to develop.  Most of these habits have to do with attitudes ;-) and all are something that impacts the family unit greatly (for the better if truly cultivated).  It allows for us to work with each other in support (and tough love if necessary) to grow the good habits and redirect the bad with good.  It is supportive, loving, and helpful for the entire family members' development individually and as a unit (as each person impacts the other, we all have to make changes to support the other members thereby together we progress).  My 6 year old son was very grown up in his selections and as a team we are off to a great start in bettering ourselves and our family.

Why am I sharing this and suggesting you give it a try?  Think about what is making your relationships sick?  What is stressing you out or wearing you out about what is not working in them?  If you had 40 days to work together within those relationships to "fix" both you and those individual(s), would that not impact your health?  Would that honest, loving support not better your fitness journey?

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