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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Rough n Rushed Times...

If you are finding yourself rushed on time, tight on cash, low on patience, then you are not alone.  This time of year can be stressful for many reasons....some expected, some unexpected and not so obvious.  The important thing to keep in mind is balance and life are ever moving, always changing, and always flowing.  Not to belittle any strife you find yourself in the middle of, but 'go with the flow' and it won't be as bad.  I am not one of these folks posting inane advice having never been in the middle of rough spots....most of you who read this blog do not know me or what shoes I have walked in and out of, but try to trust me when I say, I've been there and done that and lived through most of it the hard way.  In all I have experienced, I have discovered time and again that not trying to hold on to fill in the blank and taking each moment as it comes always leaves me less battered and stressed than if I try to fight every situation and control every moment.....cause you can't anyway and trying to just makes it all worse, so let go and breathe, let go and move forward, let go and feel where you are, take it in, embrace the happiness that is there however buried it may be.  Living your life does not have to wait on any one thing to fall into place or happen.  Life is going on at all times, you just have to embrace it where you are in each and every precious, passing moment.  Don't wait to enjoy yourself for you to reach your goal weight, have a perfectly clean house, be caught up on everything, or whatever it is that is holding you back from happiness.  Happiness is available at all times, but you have to be willing to let go of your tight grip and control over something you in fact do not really even have control over in the first place....it's an illusion that you or I will ever fully get to where we think our ideal situation awaits us because that is always changing as our circumstances change.  Move towards your goals ... all of them ... while being happy, while embracing life, while being present in your day.  Each moment we inhale life and exhale stress is a blessing!  Be Merry in the Spirit for which this Season is truly about and in that gain sanity and lose stress!!!



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