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Friday, August 24, 2012

4 Week Challenge Tracks

As mentioned in yesterday's post, this 4 Week Challenge is going to offer 3 different tracks you can choose from to participate: Fitness Track, Weight Loss Track, Nutrition Track.  Following is how each would work.  I suggest only picking one to focus on for 4 weeks and then another for a different 4 weeks.  That is of course not to suggest that you do not eat healthy and supportive if you choose the Fitness Track, or that you do not do your workouts if you choose the Nutrition Track, just that the intense focus and goal setting is geared toward the track you choose. 

Fitness Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on fitness goals would best benefit you, then the Fitness Track is definitely the track you should choose.  First, you need to pick either 3 fitness goals to achieve or 1 main goal focus with 3 goal markers for achieving your 1 main goal.  However you decide to go, you will need to not only establish  your goals, but also the plan for which you will go about accomplishing those very goals.


1) If you want to go the 3 goals direction, it might look something like this:  1st goal=Strength Gains (way to achieve could be taking the workout you would do for 4 weeks and plan out reps with progressive increases over the 4 weeks, breaks in between sets, increase of sets from 2 to 3 to 4, and progressive weights increases during reps with strength and muscle hypertrophy in mind).  2nd goal=Intensity of Workouts (way to achieve could be doing a timed workout by either doing a timed Pyramid Workout, Stacked Tabata Workout, Circuit Workout, or simply striving to complete all sets/reps within a designated time each workout).  3rd goal=Intensity of Intervals (could be achieved by always doing one extremely intense move such as rock star jumps, 180 squat jumps, tuck jumps, box jumps, etc, and one slightly less intense move such as knee highs, mountain climbers, burpees, etc., and alternating them each active work round for a 40x20 for 15 min interval set; pushing each time for more and more number of reps and higher intensity).  Other types of goals you could go for are simply completing your workouts three times a week with no excuses; OR flexibility goals of in between workout day stretches of 20 min or more 3-5 times each and every week; OR running goals, etc., list is endless.

2) If you want to go the 1 main goal direction, it might look something like this:  Main Goal=Full On "Triceps" Push Ups.....the 3 goal markers if you are starting out with kneeling push ups could be 1st=negative push ups down, palm release hands, plant knees and push up part knees & part feet for the first 4 workouts then moving to 2nd=negative push ups down, palm release hands, push up feet only working on core stability for next 4 workouts then moving to 3rd=Full On Push Ups for final 4 workouts working on core stability.  Another example could be ... Main Goal=Chin Ups....the 3 goal markers could be 1st=chair assisted negative chin ups for first 4 workouts then moving to 2nd=chair assisted chin ups for next 4 workouts then moving to 3rd=Unassisted Chin Ups for final 4 workouts.  The list can be endless here as well such as the various plank holds, various active planks, running, cycling, swimming, plyometerics, etc.

Weight Loss Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on weight loss goals, specifically fat loss goals would best benefit you, then the Weight Loss Track is definitely the track you should choose. First, you need to honestly assess what has been your hang ups in the past.  Second, you need to weigh and measure yourself the first day of the Challenge and then weekly thereafter up and until the final day of the Challenge (reference Measuring Results).  Third, you need to plan the three main areas that dramatically affect fat loss:  1st=Workouts...plan them and stick with them for 4 weeks with no excuses (reference Workout Tidbits).  2nd=Nutrition...plan your meals, especially your PIs.  Eat clean 90% of the time (which will require you to actually stick to your preplanned meals and PIs 100% of the time with no UPIs...reference Eating Supportively).  3rd=Rest....without adequate sleep consistently and recovery days from workouts you will not have the fat loss success you are seeking.  Establish a consistent bedtime and wake up time and stick with it for 4 weeks.  Be sure you are working out with a day of recovery rest in between and at least one full day off each 7 days (not a day of sitting on the couch and not moving...this is stipulated for all the folks out there who workout 3 days a week, plus run, plus do yoga, etc....they need a full day of none of those activities).

Nutrition Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on nutrition goals would best benefit you, then the Nutrition Track is definitely the track you should choose. First, you need to assess what your focus should be these 4 weeks.  In other words, what are your big obstacles?  Is it too many PIs, too many UPIs, is it planning meals, is it eating supportively at all, is it not getting in enough produce, is it not getting in enough calories, etc., etc., etc.  Pick 5 issues to master these 4 weeks and plan your approach and how you are going to go about doing it the entire 4 weeks with no excuses.  If kicking sugar is one of your 5, then I'd limit sugar intake to fruit only.  If one of your 5 is to eat 10 produce each and every day, then preplanning your meals is going to be key.  If one of your 5 is to eat 90% clean and hitting all of your nutritional markers, then again preplanning is going to be key.  Be sure to reference Eating Supportively.

Whichever track you choose, planning is going to be paramount to your success!  I'll say it again....if you fail to plan, you plan to fail....not the first time you will hear me repeat these sage words.  This is 4 weeks of intense focus on what might be the very hindrance to your fitness and/or weight loss success.  It's 4 weeks.....you can do it for at least 4 weeks!  Here's a hint....if you do it for 4 weeks by the end of the Challenge it will be a HABIT and you will realize you don't have to focus on it so much anymore ;-) 

Determine your track, determine your plan of attack, WORK YOUR PLAN for 4 WEEKS!!!

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