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To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

2 Week Habits Exchange Challenge

I, like everyone, fall into bad habits, and if stressed enough, suffer the consequences before getting "back on the wagon" and doing what I know to do!  So, for me, the consequences have officially accumulated, and I have had enough!!!  What are my consequences?  At present I have added pounds and inches in the past few months and am tired of letting my crazy, stressful life be my excuse for not doing what I know to do!  I say excuse, because while I am not excusing the behavior or in denial about the situation, but wanted to stress to you, the reader, that reasons=excuses...period, end of story.  I'm certain you yourself have many "reasons" as to why you don't do A, B, or C, but the bottom-line is these "reasons" are just excuses until you have officially had enough of suffering the consequences of not finding a better way to do better!  Is my arrival at this point going to change my circumstances?  No, but my attitude and efforts will change the balance....And that will change my circumstances!!!  Does knowing this make it easy?  NO, but perfect practice, makes perfect results!!  So I continue to practice what I preach and move forward with what I know to do! 

In addition to doing what I know to do in all aspects of my life, here is what I am going to also do and propose you at least give it a try for 2 Weeks:  Exchange 2 Bad Habits for 2 Good Habits!  Simple and straight forward!!!  For just 2 Weeks, exchange one bad nutrition habit for one good one AND exchange one bad fitness habit (or excuse) for one good one.  That's it!  In two weeks you'll be moving in a forward momentum that should propel you into good results and better balance.  I started today, but you can start when you are ready!  It's just two weeks!!!  It's just two habits!!!  What have you got to lose but at the very least two bad habits that are holding up your results and balance!!! 

Curious what mine are?  For nutrition: no alcohol for two weeks & instead going to replace with green tea and meditation.  For fitness:  I have not been doing my daily yoga, and even though my schedule is about to get even busier than it has been, I am still going to make time to do 20-60 minutes of daily yoga 6 days a week.  This is just for the habits exchange portion, for the remainder, I am going to move forward practicing all the rest of what got me my awesome results to start with: daily Bible Study, Supportive Nutrition, Effective Resistance/Interval Training three times a week, and Striving Daily for Balance in Faith/Family/Home/Work/Rest.  Easy?  If it was easy, it wouldn't be something so easily thrown by the sidelines...no it's not easy.  Is it worth it?  ABSOLUTELY!!!  Is it doable?  ABSOLUTELY!!!  Curious as to my results?  Well, I'll report in to you on just that on Aug 6th! 

Need help?  cagib1@charter.net

How Effective? Very! How Do I Know?
Measuring Results
Eating Supportively
Inspiration and Encouragement

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