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To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thinking a Fasting Detox is a Good Idea? Think Again...

For the same reason fad, minimum to low calorie diets don't work, neither do fasting detoxes that have you utilizing fruit or veggie juices.  If you are not getting the right amount of calories to sustain your bodily functions and activity level, then guess where your body gets the fuel?  That's right, your muscles....which is bad for many reasons not the least of which is it SLOWS down your metabolism, making it harder and harder for you to lose weight each time you yo-yo diet or cleanse.  Once you come off of the cleanse (or fad diet) and begin to consume higher (necessary) caloric intake, in absence of the lean muscle you have lost, the weight gained is in FAT which will then be harder to lose the next time you try.  This is a painful process.  Trust me, there are no quick fixes when it comes to fat loss.  Quick fix, quick results = yo-yo fat gain!  Steady really does win the fat loss race....Eating Supportively is your best bet!!!

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